Checklist to find the best cosmetology school in Irving, TX

Duvall School
3 min readApr 15, 2024

Are you dreaming about becoming a talented cosmetologist in Irving, TX? Finding the best cosmetology school in Irving, TX, is the first thing you should do if you want that dream to come true. This can, however, be confusing because there are only options available nowadays. This is where our checklist will save the day! We’ve made it easier for you by bringing down the factors that are essential to choosing the best beauty school in Irving, Texas. We cover accreditation, facilities, faculty, and finances. So, let’s jump right into how to make your way to cosmetology as comfortable as possible!

First validation step is to verify that the school holds accreditation and approval by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. Recognition and the license by the state means that the quality of education meets the required standards and state-recognized. The school’s website, or the TDLR, is where you normally can find this information.

Do you a check to find out whether the curriculum covers the cosmetology areas that interest you, such as hair styling, esthetics, makeup artistry, and others? The ideal program should as well include a balanced curriculum with more practical experience.

Go to the school in person, if you can, to see the facilities. Are the classrooms and salons clean and well-kept? Are there the latest technologies and are learning aids available? You want to ensure you have everything you need in order to perform well.

The school’s instructors can play a huge role in shaping your educational experience. Look for professionals with experience in imparting knowledge and passion for teaching. You can also inquire about the conditions for individual learning and mentorship.

It is crucial for students to be able to utilize the services such as career guidance and financial aid. Find out what tools the school has for the student’s academic success. Check whether the student-to-instructor ratio is low so you can get individual attention.

Research the school’s job placement record after graduation. Do these placement programs have employers’ links with the industry? Alumni testimonials and industry partnerships might be a good source of information about what you can expect after you graduate.

School of cosmetology can be costly, so it is advisable to assess the cost and explore financial aid options. Calculate the total expenses, which consist of tuition, fees, and other cost, and measure them against the potential opportunities for a sustainable career.

Let’s consider some practical things, like where you live or work, in relation to school. Also, think about how easily you can get there by bus or car, or if there’s parking available. Besides, you have to think about the locality around there in terms of entertainment and safety.

Lastly, I want to know what kind of reputation the school has. Search for reviews and testimonials from current and former students, as well as responses from industry experts. Watch out for red flags and listen carefully to your inner voice.


Selecting the right cosmetology school in Irving, TX, is a key decision you make that will determine your future professional success. With this checklist, you’ll be able to make smart decisions that are in line with your goals. Remember the accreditation criteria, curriculum, facilities, faculty, support services, alumni success, finance, location, and reputation. The right education, support, and chances for success in the beauty industry can be yours as well when you choose the right school for you. Take your time, conduct your research, and follow your feelings intuitively. The beginning of your being a professional cosmetologist comes with choosing the right school — and our list is here to help you!

Originally published at on April 15, 2024.

